Last Night Before the Move!
Thursday 13.5 4wd buggy
Pos. Q. Пілот Результат
1 - Root Kenny 21 (5:12.016)
2 - Hall Justin 20 (5:03.180)
3 - Deppenmeier Dustin 20 (5:06.154)
4 - Johnson Ryan 19 (5:09.443)
5 - Wymore Andrew 19 (5:11.628)
6 - Zientara Joshua 15 (5:04.321)
Last Night Before the Move!
Thursday 13.5 stadium truck
Pos. Q. Пілот Результат
1 - Halladey James 1
2 - Wehrend Brandon 2
Last Night Before the Move!
Thursday Mod buggy
Pos. Q. Пілот Результат
1 - Reavis Ryan 21 (5:06.959)
2 - Root Kenny 21 (5:10.258)
3 - Pillars Joe 20 (5:06.074)
4 - Anton Mark 20 (5:06.390)
5 - Hall Justin 1 (14.745)
6 - Archdeacon Michael 20 (5:05.582)
7 - Wehrend Brandon 20 (5:12.897)
8 - Lewis Andy 19 (5:02.398)
9 - Siddall Tim 4 (1:45.075)
Last Night Before the Move!
Thursday novice
Pos. Q. Пілот Результат
1 - Cellarius Sarena 8 (3:58.129)
2 - Barber Casey 2
Last Night Before the Move!
Thursday stock buggy
Pos. Q. Пілот Результат
1 - Vitale Phil 20 (5:03.536)
1 - Scotty Dangerous 1
2 - Halladey James 20 (5:10.598)
3 - Minner David 18 (5:00.840)
4 - Vento Stacy "fireball" 18 (5:14.703)
5 - Devoe Dave 17 (5:02.012)
6 - Johnson Ryan 6
7 - Green Chris 19 (5:12.082)
8 - Herrick Robert 18 (5:05.155)
9 - Byerley Devin 18 (5:14.625)
10 - Chambliss Don 17 (5:05.380)
11 - Zientara Joshua 17 (5:08.122)
12 - Smith Jimmy 17 (5:13.671)