RCGTiming: Get your Scoring without PC!
RCGarageTiming provides you with an opportunity to get your lap times without computer/laptop. Here is what you need for that:
- AMB Decoder (RC3/RC4) with Ethernet port
- Internet connection
- Mobile device (device with a screen that can show you a website)
Basic Instructions of Configuration
Plug your AMB Decoder to the Internet through Ethernet cable and Activate it using Timing Management Panel. And that's it. You are set to go and get all timing and scoring features provided by RCGarageTiming. Neither computer nor any application installation required!
Please watch a 3-minute video guide on how to properly configure and activate your Decoder.
- If you don't have access to Timing Management Panel, please follow steps described here
- AMB Decoder has proper configuration but it says: "DNS Error" while connecting to the data server. It means your Internet connection is not available for Decoder (check your router configuration).
- If you have other problems getting everything setup please feel free to contact us via feedback page.