RCGTiming: Installation Instructions
- Prijava v RCGarage
- Go to Competition Admin Panel by using Menu Timing
- Pritisnite gumb Prenesi
- Izpolnite obrazec v pojavnem oknu, vključno z naslednjimi parametri:
- Tip dekoderja - Privzeto združljiv z AMB
- Vmesnik - TCP/IP privzeto
- Priključek - uporabljen samo ko je izbran "Serial Port" vmesnik
- IP naslov - uporabljen samo takrat, ko je izbran le "TCP/IP" vmesnik. Vnesti morate IP-naslov, konfiguriran v AMB združljivi napravi
- Pritisnite gumb
- Izberite lokacijo, kamor boste naložite prenesen arhiv: .
- Razpakirajte preneseni arhiv v želeno mapo na trdem disku.
- Poskrbite, da bo vaš računalnik povezan z internetom.
- Poskrbite, da bo AMB združljiva strojna oprema, priključena na računalnik. (If you are using Vostok Electronics decoder, please check additional info here)
- [Only for Windows] Make sure your computer has Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2022 (x86 version) package installed. Please visit Microsoft website in order to get it here or use direct link to the package here: vc_redist.x86.exe
- Zaženite program start.bat iz mape, v kateri ste razpakirali arhiv, in si oglejte dnevnik ukazov. Če je vse v redu, mora izgledati kakor sledeče:
> Initialization using '
/ambconf/main.conf'... > Connected to AMB Box > Internet connection OK. Working online.
If you run the program `start.bat` and it says:
> No AMB Box connection. Connecting...
then you should check your connection to AMB Decoder (see Steps 3 and 4 this README) -
If you run the program `start.bat` and it says right from the start:
> Internet connection lost. Working offline.
then you should check your Internet connection and Firewall settings. -
If you run the program `start.bat` and from time to time it says:
> Internet connection lost. Working offline.
It is OK. It only means that from time to time Internet connection was lost but it should recover the connection automatically without affecting the timings.